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Forma LMS 4.0.10

This is the latest stable release, only available to Association Members and Contributors.
Read below the detailed list of changes and improvements



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Forma LMS 3.3.24

Public stable release, available for everyone to download.
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Forma LMS 4.0.7

New maintenance release including lots of minor fixes, a few vulnerability fixes, some improvements to password settings, performance improvements for the course report module, further accessibility fixes,... and more!


- # - upgrade manifest standard
- # - fix icon plus
- # - Fix test points
- # - Fix test session time
- # - fix editor
- # - review fix add folder warning
- # - fix typo in add communication view
- # - Fix default date in communìcations, fix warnings in add node
- # - fix exception when bootstrap was loaded from commandline
- # - improve course report loading
- # - fix error in deleting rows classdates
- # - update forma version
- # - fix installer
- # - fix array key session
- # - fix session conflict
- # - fix detail user in object stats
- # - add new userseelctor catalogue
- # - rename migration name
- # - fix slider menu
- # - remove mintemplateversion old style
- # - fix compatibility 7.4 for forma 4
- # - Fixed button in "Scheda corso"
- # - fix prerequistes in susponsion LO with incomplete selfrequisite
- # - fix migration privacy policy menu
- # - update template
- # - fix coursereport testvote
- # - fix rest output file
- # - fix null value userselector old
- # - Build frontend eduardo commits
- # - add symfony string library
- # - add event for util config
- # - refactor min forma version
- # - fix show answer in course report
- # - Fix "Download" button position on "MyCertificates"
- # - Fix handling accents when right click renaming
- # - Fix FolderView delete file message not showing
- # - Fix Link header translation
- # - Change submit when editing a file to orange
- # - Remove double quote on edit dashboard settings and directory class
- # - Remove double '<<' on Wiki module
- # - Fix invalid lang codes for language files
- # - Fix "X" alignment on file dropzone and upgraded TinyMCE to 5.10.9
- # - Remove double '<' on User Registration
- # - Fix FAQ title rendering
- # - Fix PT-BR install translation and translates "Yes/No" fields
- # - Fix reference for missing image on FAQ
- # - Make Admin Area icons sprite transparent
- # - Translate Status column and Capitalize "by" column
- # - Fix _MOVE_ORGBRANCH translation
- # - Update kbcategorize.php
- # - Update _orgchart_selector.php
- # - Translate User Pontuation column tile on Grade book details
- # - Pass dropzone as Twig param
- # - Translate success upload learning object file message
- # - Fix translation label rendering on checkboxes at student attendance list
- # - Fix "modify time table" on student attendance dates list
- # - Fix searchbox float of certificates
- # - Update certificate.userstat.php
- # - FolderView translation handling
- # - Add translation for Context Menu and Folder View actions on courses
- # - Translate fields from User Profile (View)
- # - Update lostpwd.html.twig
- # - [User Register] Remove '<<' from _BACK str and Uppercase on language dropdown
- # - Add missing space on Users section of dashboard
- # - Fix subscribe user "plus" button on assign users to course page
- # - Do not use slashes on _homerepo and _repo DB
- # - Saves data on DB with slashes
- # - Fix HTML page title rendering (and possible other learning objects too)
- # - Fix 404 error when loading jQuery Datepicker for EN users
- # - Update show.php
- # - Update list.php
- # - Fix translation not being applied on Language management
- # - Fix radio text alignment
- # - Fix "Menu Course" translation
- # - Fix translation not being applied on Teacher Area
- # - Added missing translation relations
- # - Multilanguage TinyMCE and bugfixes
- # - fix null selection on report
- # - add indexes
- # - fix helpdesk js
- # - fix exception in test compeltion
- # - various fix for customers' bug
- # - events on userselector columns
- # - #20192: changed twig directive; changed type of parameter parsing
- # - fix exception in registration
- # - fix auto subscription
- # - fix null value in UserSelectorAdmController
- # - # 20191: wrong method refereer
- # - # Added new SECURITY Tab; added strong password definition policies; changed password feedback dialog when user defines new password. Fixed some issue in password check; password check procedure now in just one place. Deleted rubbish.
- # - fix scorm time parser
- # - fix scorm sessiontime count
- # - fix sql fetch row on result
- # - fix report excluding all idst selected
- # - add user selection field to report
- # - #20190: disable secure if on localhost
- # - Track answer resetting issue
- # - fix connector import user language logic
- # - fix htmlpage update query
- # - fix report with no selection
- # - remove comments
- # - fix box height
- # - #20189: fixed
- # - #20188: fixed
- # - null value in orgnode domain config
- # - #20187: added check on var type
- # - # fixed issue in importing GIFT files containing multiple choice questions
- # - #added force SCORM finish from LMS as configuration option (default TRUE)
- # - Added forcing SCORM Finish from platform (default true)
- # - -restore learning test columns altered
- # - #20186: fixed referring to parent properies
- # - remove gradimento form learning test
- # - enabled overide of course catalogue boxes
- # - Enabled layout scorm player for lti-external-tool learning objects.
- # - fix session handling in cron
- # - #20185: refactoring CoursePath
- # - Added DrawRadialProject.js and scss in frontend-src
- # - fix session name for security
- # - session secure
- # - sanitize wildcard in check username duplicates
- # - fix default lang in io task user import
- # - fix calendar
- # - remove course description in getanswertest XML response
- # - fix multimod subscription in users array
- # - Add new event in certificate generation/deleting
- # - prevent db empty exception on installation with config file
- # - fix orphan commontrack
- # - #20181 - Student upload a Zip file through the plugin upload
- # - #20180 - Student upload a Zip file through the SCORM importer feature
- # - fix report and sms mamanger
- # - fix groupmanagement acl
- # - fix static function call
- # - fix mailer and advanced search
- # - #20179 - SQL injection vulnerability in appLms/ajax.adm_server.php?r=widget/userselector/getusertabledata - CVE-2022-42924
- # - #20070 - Vulnerability - SQL Injection in adm/mediagallery/delete - CVE-2022-42923
- # - #20069 - Vulnerability - XSS in appLms/index.php?modname=faq&op=play - CVE-2022-41679
- # - #20177 - Vulnerability reflected-XSS in the title of discussions in the course forums - CVE-2023-46693
- # - #20178 - Vulnerability reflected-XSS in management of educational objects, through the FAQ title - CVE-2023-46693
- # - #20176 - Vulnerability reflected-XSS in the title parameter of the course advice - CVE-2023-46693
- # - fix typo in smtp password property handler
- # - fix lib.subscribe.php exception
- # - update composer libraries
- # - fix track object static properties definition and usage.
- # - fix typo in advice
- # - fix course end date when course_date is null
- # - fix soaplms adding not defined class properties
- # - fix system status check screen
- # - Fix learning object visibility for students.
- # - add migration to reset from 0000-00-00 00:00:00 to null learning object visibility.
- # - #20175: fixed typo
- # - #20174: fixed navigation with keyboard inside course's LOs, sized some fonts to 12px
- # - remove canRelExceptional function
- # - Upgraded template version number
- # - #20173: added highlight on focus of LO items
- # - add not assigned option in folder template and required domain and title in admindomain
- # - reverted back tinymce component
- # - Fixed issues related to classroom courses in calendar widget; improved accessibility for course date classroom courses popup.
- # - fix mod template in node selectors
- # - fix to be suitable with foxis
- # - fix userselector on report updates
- # - # deleting unused files
- # - fix smtp disabled in config file
- # - fix and change version
- # - fix connectors
- # - fix exception for wrong namespace
- # - fix mail config
- # - #20172 Removing Yui editor
- # - update readme with migration commands
- # - fix on assigning template in creating new folder
- # - #20171 Added "custom fields" info related to course when getting course info for rendering on "my courses"
- # - fix on untranslated custom field
- # - Fix dashboard clone
- # - #20157: improvement related to accessibility
- # - #20170 fixed typo
- # - new events "core.index.preoperation" and "core.index.beforenavigation" in appCore and appLms
- # - fix dates, competences and release 4.0.3
- # - #20157: fixed issues related to help desk and other minor fixes
- # - entity allignment
- # - Fix require_once with Forma::inc
- # - #20157 update for managing HIGH contrast color
- # - ripristinate buttons
- # - add reset_field_if_not_set,use_default_password,default_password in iotask docebouser connector config
- # - add orgchart management in update user api
- # - various fix userselector
- # - #20169; added array declaration
- # - #20166: fix typo in missing array declaration
- # - Bug #20168: fixed id parameter for deleting record; added console output in case of debug = YES setting.
- # - remove class references use
- # - fix report create
- # - fix query for field show when textentry is numeric when fields filter is active
- # - refactor entities
- # - #20167: names removed
- # - fix custom field check when user insert 0 as value
- # - fix custom field check when user insert 0 as value
- # - #20166: missing array declaration
- # - #20165; added static keyword
- # - #20162: user import issues: added mime type + declared array
- # - Removed accessibility function
- # - Added pseudo-class :focus-visibility
- # - #20161: added managing of default null value
- # - fix 0 user search field
- # - #20160: orgFieldPublishTo date format not managed with default DB value.
- # - Fixed keyboard navigation focus
- # - fix version compare
- # - Remove double addslashes() in Scorm_Organization
- # - Fix getPreference language in (external) login
- # - Fix accessibility
- # - Help desk accessibility bug fixed
- # - Bug fixed accessibility buttons margin padding
- # - fix typo in lib.certificate.php
- # - # 20157: changed tab managment to be more compatible with Accessibility
- # - #20157: managing of some alerts reported by WebAIM tool
- # - fix field show when textentry is numeric
- # - Fix user selector exception
- # - fix group update
- # - #20157 different fixex for accessibility
- # - Fix course catalog implode exception when catalog filter does not return array
- # - # different fixes for accessibility
- # - fix missing variables and referrals
- # - fix tree data
- # - event fors profile and user area lms
- # - minor bug fix forma-button
- # - fix minor bug
- # - # different fixes for accessibility
- # - event fors profile and user area lms
- # - fix tree data
- # - .course-box__cta__button:focus fixed
- # - accessibility fixed
- # - # fixes for accessibility
- # - last fixes after accessiblity
- # - Fixed chechbox tabindex
- # - # managing tab navigation inside course
- # - cols and buttons for recovery psw and email
- # - fixed underline
- # - fixed filterbtn hover color
- # - Modified and fixed the button colors on the tabulation
- # - Fixed input and button position
- # - # different
- # - # SCSS update
- # - Accessibility
- # - Modified background color
- # - Fix icons course page
- # - # implemented tab navigation on my courses
- # - # implemented useri interaction through tab key on my courses page
- # - Fix border dropdown corsi
- # - Aggiunte classi css per accessbilità
- # - # managing tabs for course box
- # - # managing focus style
- # - # tab navigation management
- # - # Managing tab navigation in myCouse button
- # - # improved tabs view
- # - # added tab navigation in main front end menu + other fixes
- # - # different changes for enabling right navigation through keyboard keys (TAB, ENTER) - part 1
- # - # management of page for <title> html tag
- # - #accessibility help desk panel refactoring 1
- # - #accessibility update
- # - # different changes for enabling right navigation through keyboard keys (TAB, ENTER) - part 1
- # - # accessibility fixed typo
- # - #Accessibility: added management of landing forma page.
- # - remove PageName from index and twig
- # - Remove $GLOBALS['page_title'] and consolidate pageTitle generation in single function
- # - # update for accessibility
- # - # different update for accessibility
- # - # Added TITLE in the SELECT in MyCourses -> Tab for filtering courses
- # - # management of page for <title> html tag
- # - make inheritance of sslencryption
- # - switch to 4.0.2 - drop index if exists for mysql5.7 implementation

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