Cannot subscribe users onto course

Backend functionalities: user management, course management, reports, certificates, etc.
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Cannot subscribe users onto course

Post by scubatricky »

Hi all,

I've just started to explore Forma and love it as a system...However I've experiencing one problem from the outset that I'd like help with.

I can create a classroom course, but cannot enrol students onto it. When I use the Multiple Subscriptions item an select several user, the system says "Operation Successful", but no users have been added to the course.

In the course screen, there is also no Subscribe icon in the relevant column.

Can anyone help? There must be something I'm missing?

Using 2.3.0
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Re: Cannot subscribe users onto course

Post by max »

welcome on board

For classroom courses you need to have editions. What you created is the master course, you need at least an edition. Then you can subscribe your users there.

Please go to and browse the guides and the tutorials, you'll find all the guidance you need.
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management[at]
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Re: Cannot subscribe users onto course

Post by scubatricky »

Thank you Max, just checked and realised that's what I missed.

Its so nice to get a reply with help. I've been looking for an LMS that will handle instructor led training easily, and Forma looks great for the purpose.
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