Please explain: Course "final score"

Anything about what happens on the user and teacher side
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Please explain: Course "final score"

Post by forrestad »

Hello. I'm new to Forma LMS and evaluating it to see if it will fit my organization's needs. I am impressed by the work done by the developers in many areas. I could use some help understanding some parts of the Forma LMS system. I only have access to Forma version 2.3 at this time. But, please if features have been added to version 2.4.2, please feel free to describe how the functional requirement can be met by the software.

Where can an instructor see the course "final score" for each student? There is an option when creating a gradebook item: "Use for final score." When is the final / overall course score calculated and where is it displayed to the instructor? Also, where it the final / overall course score shown to the student?
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Re: Please explain: Course "final score"

Post by max »

The instructor sees the final score in the gradebook (gradebook management), the student in the gradebook. But please see my other general answer to your posts.
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management[at]
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Re: Please explain: Course "final score"

Post by forrestad »

Thank you for the reply. I see it now in the Teacher Area under Gradebook and the "Detail" tab.

Documenting for myself and anyone seeking this in the future:
Within the Grade Book (Teacher Area), there are 2 tabs. The Overview tab shows grades per assignment. The Detail tab shows grades per student, including the student's calculated final score.

I have not yet located the display of the "final score" on the Report Card of the Student Area.
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