[ANSWERED] How to: Discussion board as a learning object

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[ANSWERED] How to: Discussion board as a learning object

Post by forrestad »

Hello. I'm new to Forma LMS and evaluating it to see if it will fit my organization's needs. I am impressed by the work done by the developers in many areas. I am also unsure how to do a few things in the Forma LMS. I'll break them into individual "how to" question posts. I only have access to Forma version 2.3 at this time. But, please if features have been added to version 2.4.2, please feel free to describe how the functional requirement can be met by the software.

How can I create an "Discussion Board" type learning object within the table of "Course documents" (student area) and "Learning Object Management" (teacher area)? Can the discussion learning object be marked complete for the student based on the number of topics posted and/or the number of replies entered?

For example, the instructor might tell the students "After viewing the video, what is your opinion of what the business leader should do to address the situation? Submit your answer in the discussion board (below) and then reply to answers submitted by two other students." The student would hold this text-based discussion and then the teacher would enter a score/grade per student in the grade book.
Last edited by forrestad on Fri Oct 02, 2020 2:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How to: Discussion board as a learning object

Post by max »


you registered to this forum and immediately started 9 different threads, always with the same Foreword but without bothering to have a look at the forum itself or at the documentation. And with a deluge of questions that mostly are already answered in the docs section.
Please refer to that, and search before asking.
Then we can go back to having a conversation on specific topics.
Massimiliano Ferrari
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Re: How to: Discussion board as a learning object

Post by forrestad »

I apologize for coming across as rude. I have been looking very carefully at the Forma LMS project for several days and have collected several questions. I have reviewed the documentation and performed forum searches to the best of my ability. I am reaching out because these are the questions to which I was not able to locate an answer in the existing documentation and forum threads.

My specific topic was -- can a Discussion Board be a learning object with the "Course documents" (student area) of a Forma LMS course? I am wondering if this is a feature of core? Or, is there a plug-in module someone in the community has written?
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Re: How to: Discussion board as a learning object

Post by max »

A forum can only be a forum. It cannot be a LO in the course documents. It can only be a separate section.
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management
Skype: m_ferrari_it
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