install on a database not empty how to do

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install on a database not empty how to do

Post by sdalmas »


I am new to Formalms

1. I start to install it on a existing website under Joomla
There is already a database in use for Joomla
during the formalms install I thought to have the possibility to configure a new prefix for the formalms database to avoid to erase the actual database
and I thought this database can be added to the actual ...
but it doesn't seem to be the case, so I stop the install
Sorry I don't speak english very well

how is it possible to manage to have the Joomla and the FormaLms data on a same database ?

do I have to buy another database to separate them ?

Thanks you very much for your replies

Hope someone can help me out.
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Re: install on a database not empty how to do

Post by max »

Hi Sand,
welcome on board. Well, of course you need to have another database... Please see the readme file


- Be sure you have your database parameters (host, user, password, dbname) available
- If you want use at runtime FTP upload features, be sure you have your ftp parameters (host, user,
- Before install, create the database on your dbserver. You can use any db admin tool as phpmyadmin
If you use a prepackaged webserver on your PC , the default db admin link is
http://localhost/mysql/ or http://localhost/phpmyadmin/
If the db user have permissions, the installer can create database for you
The database must be defined with UTF8 encoding
- Upload all the files in your root directory or subfolder
- forma.lms web is protected with apache .htaccess files from unauthorized use. Often dot-files
are hidden from view. Check your environment and be sure that also these files are uploaded
- Launch
- Follow installation instructions
- To secure you installation, at the end of install, remove or rename the folders install and
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management[at]
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Re: install on a database not empty how to do

Post by sdalmas »

Ok thank you for replying.
I am surprised to have buy another database.
I am used to install several websites on the same database with Joomla,
anyway thank you for adding the install procedure
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Re: install on a database not empty how to do

Post by max »

I don't know what kind of server you have, but normally on a server you can create as many databases as you want...
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management[at]
Skype: m_ferrari_it
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