Couple of questions regarding installation

Install and configure FormaLMS and DoceboCE
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Couple of questions regarding installation

Post by mitdrissia »


I am new to Formalms.
I have a few questions:

1. How can i add a new language? I m looking for dutch translation but can not find the zip file to import.
2. How can i change the homepage to make it look like for example udemy? Is it html based? In which folder do i need to look to find the homepage?

Hope someone can help me out.
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Re: Couple of questions regarding installation

Post by alfa24 »

Language pack is in xml_language folder.
Regarding the home page, which version of Forma did you install?
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Re: Couple of questions regarding installation

Post by max »

welcome on board.

You should have found the available languages upon installation. You should also have a folder called xml_language in your installaton: from there you can find all the available languages. Download them to your local drive, then go to administration>configuration>language management and import the dutch file. I am also attaching it here for your convenience:
(44.74 KiB) Downloaded 528 times
Unzip it and import the .xml file.
Please be aware that some translations might be missing: you are free to add them or edit them. In case you complete the file, please export and send it to us: we will add it to the next version.

Changing the homepage (after login): you can turn different buttons (tabs, blocks, buttons) on and off from administration>configuration>elearning settings>user area in LMS.

Udemy is a different kind of application, it is a MOOC rather than an LMS.

If you want to change the log in page you should go to the "template" folder. You can easily overwrite company_logo.png with your logo and image.jpg with your cover image.
Changing the primary and secondary colors and the .css is a bit more tricky, if you want there is a plugin that does that.
Massimiliano Ferrari
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Re: Couple of questions regarding installation

Post by mitdrissia »

thank you for your fast and prompt reply. I really appreciate it.
I am using forma lms 2.0.
I got the change language working fine.

I am on a shared hosting purely for testing out forma lms, but for some reason i can not add any courses or even categories.
So i went with an online demo version 1.4 and all is working fine. The only problem is that it resets every 40 min, i am not allowed to logout so i can not see the homepage.

I have a question regarding what you said about Udemy being a MOOC and not an Lms. What i was told is that its possible to sell courses online with forma lms. This is correct right?

On the homepage is it possible to get a grid view for courses (5 courses in one row or 5 courses in each row?) without being logged in as a student?
Does formalms support dripfeed, and can the courses be divided in lessons and sections so that users need to click next to go to the next lesson purely for tracking the student?
How about affiliate program?

Hope to hear from you
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Re: Couple of questions regarding installation

Post by max »

mitdrissia wrote: Thu Nov 29, 2018 12:52 pm I am on a shared hosting purely for testing out forma lms, but for some reason i can not add any courses or even categories.
well, likely you don't have the correct permissions on your folders. If you want to test version 2x, drop us a line and we'll arrange for that. My email is in my signature.
mitdrissia wrote: Thu Nov 29, 2018 12:52 pm I have a question regarding what you said about Udemy being a MOOC and not an Lms. What i was told is that its possible to sell courses online with forma lms. This is correct right?
What I meant is that Forma lacks all the "social" functions of Udemy and its peers (course ratings, if you liked this course you should try that, etc. etc.). However, yes with Forma you can sell courses online with the built-in PayPal integration. If you want something more professional, there are 2 commercial integrations: one with WooCommerce, one with Prestashop.
mitdrissia wrote: Thu Nov 29, 2018 12:52 pm On the homepage is it possible to get a grid view for courses (5 courses in one row or 5 courses in each row?) without being logged in as a student?
Does formalms support dripfeed, and can the courses be divided in lessons and sections so that users need to click next to go to the next lesson purely for tracking the student?
How about affiliate program?
You can have a public catalogue, i.e. visible before the login. In that case it has 3 columns: category tree on the left side, then 2 colums with the courses. Again, with WooComm and Prestashop integrations you can also have the view you are looking for.
I don't know what dripfeed is, but from what I undestand I think you should use some e-commerce site in front of Forma.
Dividing in lessons and sections and tracking: yes, of course.
Affiliate program: please tell us what you mean with that, I'll be happy to discuss potential collaborations with you.
Massimiliano Ferrari
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Re: Couple of questions regarding installation

Post by mitdrissia »

Thank you for your reply.

"I am on a shared hosting purely for testing out forma lms, but for some reason i can not add any courses or even categories. "
-What permission on which folders do i need to change?

mitdrissia wrote: ↑Thu Nov 29, 2018 12:52 pm
I have a question regarding what you said about Udemy being a MOOC and not an Lms. What i was told is that its possible to sell courses online with forma lms. This is correct right?

So the free version does not have course rating and related courses?

mitdrissia wrote: ↑Thu Nov 29, 2018 12:52 pm
On the homepage is it possible to get a grid view for courses (5 courses in one row or 5 courses in each row?) without being logged in as a student?
Does formalms support dripfeed, and can the courses be divided in lessons and sections so that users need to click next to go to the next lesson purely for tracking the student?
How about affiliate program?

-Could you please sent me a screenshot of a public catalogue?
- dripfeed means that students can only go to the next lesson within a specified timeframe and/or when the previous lesson has been taken.
- Affiliate program is a way to get more students and or teachers to the website by giving them discounts(students) or more payouts(teachers) when teachers drive traffic to the main site from other sites.
Maybe we can use it with chargebee, i will mail them tomorrow.

You said something about woocommerce? Isn't this a wordpress plugin? Isn't formalms written in symfony?
How much does this cost?

thank you
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Re: Couple of questions regarding installation

Post by max »

let me try to clarify things. Forma Lms is open source, there is no "not free" version. All versions are free.
All installation requirements and folder permissions are described in the readme.txt file.
What I was saying is that sites like Udemy are built with a different logic and different features because they serve a different purpose from an Lms. So in Forma, like in other LMS, some "social" features are not there. In the future we might include more, like course ratings, but not now.
Public catalogue: go here to see an example of a public catalogue ... logue/show and here to see the login page

Concerning the navigation from a learning material to the next one: you can have "prerequisites", i.e. you can't go to the next item until you have completed the current one.
With scorm objects (scorm is, so to say, an industrial standard for learning materials in the elearning field) navigation can be set anyway you like.

Plugins: sure, Woocommerce is a Wordpress plugin. What I meant is that there are plugins to
- link your WP site to your Forma Lms
- link your Woocommerce/WP site to your forma lms
- synch your users and your courses between the 2 environments

This thread is turning into something unrelated to "installation and configuration": if you have more questions it might be better if you drop us a line by e-mail or if we discuss via skype
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management[at]
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Re: Couple of questions regarding installation

Post by mitdrissia »

Yes please forgive me. I will contact you throug mail. thank you
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Re: Couple of questions regarding installation

Post by nangi »

Hi max,
about the "prerequisites".
I have set "prerequisites" test, html page , download etc. and I can't go to the next item until I have completed the current one. This works fine all LO out side of Scorm . But with scorm LOs it never signed as completed? is there a bug??

I can't go to next item althought I've completed the scorm object what shall we do??
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Re: Couple of questions regarding installation

Post by max »

Hi Nihat,

first of all this question is a bit off topic in this thread.

Second: prerequisites work fine with scorm. BUT apparently since a couple of days a new version of Chrome (Chrome 83) seems to give issues with course completion. It still works fine with other browsers. Since this is a big issue, we're already preparing a patch for that. Until that you can tell your users to use Firefox or Edge.
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management[at]
Skype: m_ferrari_it