Does Forma require cron jobs?

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Does Forma require cron jobs?

Post by mlapl1 »


I notice that there is a 'cron' directory in forma. I had a quick look at the contents and I am not sure if they need to be run and what they do exactly. So...

Do I need to run cron jobs with the latest version of forma?

Are there any times when cron jobs are required by forma? If so, what are they and where can I find the relevant information.

Thank you as ever
Andrew Lian
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Re: Does Forma require cron jobs?

Post by max »

Hi Andrew,

Forma does not require cron jobs, but it allows to run them, for actions such as synching with an HR system or sending scheduled e-mails.

Cron are tipically used in the following situations:

- you are using connectors (.csv files that synch Forma with a third party application, back and forth)
- you want to use scheduled reports (reports that are automatically sent to users).
- other automatic actions that have to be performed on a scheduled basis to make scheduled actions be run

If you are in one of those cases, you set up a cron job on your server and it will make Forma perform the desired action
Massimiliano Ferrari
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Re: Does Forma require cron jobs?

Post by mlapl1 »

OK ... at the moment I do not need them - except perhaps in future for automated mail.

Andrew Lian
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Re: Does Forma require cron jobs?

Post by max »

Under 'event manager' there are already several automatic emails that do not require a cron. Take a look at that
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management[at]
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Re: Does Forma require cron jobs?

Post by mlapl1 »

OK. Thank you very much.
Andrew Lian
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