Reset and reassign

Anything about what happens on the user and teacher side
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Reset and reassign

Post by maruggio »


I have a course developed with an admin account. To verify I double checked all including certificate with a student role account. Either if I delete the user of the course and reassign, or what ever I do. How to reset the course and the user, so that the course is feshly prepared as new and fresh?

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Re: Reset and reassign

Post by alfa24 »

Unfortunately you can't with a single operation.
You should use the users/objects grid module and reset all of users learning objects trackings, one by one.
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Re: Reset and reassign

Post by max »

Hi Oliver, sorry but I didn't understand. Let me try to explain what I think you want to achieve.

So you want to create a course (and obviously you need to be a course admin to do it) and then you want to take the same course as a student, right?
What I would do is very simple:
- create the course and upload your documents, then go back to my courses
- go to the admin area - course list: change your enrolment level to student in the enrolment section
- if you want it to be "new" (always from the enrolment section) change your status to "subscribed" rather than "in progress"
- go back to the front end, you will see the course as a student and it will be new for you.

If you also played some scorms or viewed some pages or took a test and you want to reset all of that, you need to do it from the users/object grid.
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Re: Reset and reassign

Post by maruggio »

Oh I wasnt clear enough. I want to reset a course amde by admin and verified by a student.

Since I work in german, I missed the users/objects grid (called Kursstatistiken).
Now everything is resetted like I wished.

many thanks.
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