Difficult User Setup Advice

Backend functionalities: user management, course management, reports, certificates, etc.
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Difficult User Setup Advice

Post by mtif »

This is my first post here, and I have searched but can't see any existing help for my User scenario.

I want to see IF this is possible in Forma, and if so, HOW.

We are planning to launch an group of online learning courses. But they will be sold in a very specific way and I want to see if/how to handle them.

- Our courses will be purchased by managers in large corporations (I will worry about the actual purchase process later- right now I want to see if the User setup is possible.)

- What customers will buy is access to a course for a Team of people in their company.
- All teams will be from 5-30 people, and all Teams will have a single Team Leader.
[I think that a Group in Forma could be a goood way to organise a Team?]
- The COURSE that the Teams join, may be populated by other Teams from other companies.
[Using Groups I can see how multiple Groups can be on one Course]
- The course materials (objects) will be consistent for everyone on the course ...
... but interactions and statistics and membership should only be shared at the Team level
[This is a major issue and I can't see how this can work]
- Teams should operate as if they are the only ones on the course, unaware of other Teams.
[This is a major issue and I can't see how this can work]
- Team leaders should have access/sight of the Stats/course progress for the members of their Team
[This is a major issue and I can't see how this can work]

- And ideally, the Team leaders would be able to invite their Team members who get auto-assigned to the right Team/Course when they signup...
[I can see how assignment would work fro Groups, but can't see how I can auto assign someone to a Group]

- And ideally too, we can set the size of the Team (ie how many seats they purchased) without limiting the size of the Course

Is this clear, and is it possible ?
Thanks in advance to anyone that can advise.
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Re: Difficult User Setup Advice

Post by max »

I think the requirement are quite clear.
To put it short, what you need is a multi-client environment with multiple administrators.
Just take a look at the tutorials, not only at the reference guides. We have written something quite detailed about this situation, which is very typical.
You need N administrators, N organization chart nodes (not groups), multi-company courses and you need to carefully design the permissions.

All of the above can be done with the native, built-in functionalities.

For your information, we have also built a specific plugin that extends those features to make them even more performing for customers who have a multi-client situations like yours. "We" is our company, one of the founders-creators of Forma Lms.
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management
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Re: Difficult User Setup Advice

Post by mtif »

Thanks Max

I understand, and I getting used to Forma, thankyou.
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