Cart and Payment Configuration and a few questions

Backend functionalities: user management, course management, reports, certificates, etc.
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Cart and Payment Configuration and a few questions

Post by gbslearning »

I am new to e-learning in general and have just installed formalms version 2.0.

I have a few questions which I hope you can answer. I have looked through the forum and whatever documentation I can find before asking but the answer is still unclear so I thought I would ask here. Apologies if the solution is obvious but it is only obvious once you already know ha ha.

1) Is there any english step by step instructions for configuring formalms please?

2) Can the "Powered by" be removed by purchasing a licence which goes into the support pot to further develop the software?

3) In formalms 2.0 I cannot find where to configure and activate the "cart" and payment options. Where is this please?

4) I have yet to design my first course and upload it? Are there any instructions for this? I can write the course, produce videos etc but how do I get it all into formalms? Does each file need to be uploaded individually?

5) Where can I find plugins and templates to extend and customise formalms?

Thanks for any help and advice
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Re: Cart and Payment Configuration and a few questions

Post by gbslearning »

I have found out where to configure Paypal and ecommerce. It took a bit of hunting down but for anyone else using Formalms 2.X you can find it under Configuration options/E-learning.

From the admin page go to settings/system configuration

There is a small arrow next to OTHER OPTIONS which activates a pull down menu

Main Options >> Page titles, default language, default template, email, help desk

User Options >> Control user passwords and registartion settings

E-Learning Options >> Settings for ecommerce cart and Paypal can be configured here

Video Conference >> Limit for the number of conferences that can be planned by a single user

Advanced Options >> Configure paths, set disk quota, accessibility, newsletters and debug options

API and Authentication >> Server ports, addresses, SSO settings and API authentication
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Re: Cart and Payment Configuration and a few questions

Post by max »

gbslearning wrote: Fri Jan 25, 2019 12:00 pm 1) Is there any english step by step instructions for configuring formalms please?

2) Can the "Powered by" be removed by purchasing a licence which goes into the support pot to further develop the software?

3) In formalms 2.0 I cannot find where to configure and activate the "cart" and payment options. Where is this please?

4) I have yet to design my first course and upload it? Are there any instructions for this? I can write the course, produce videos etc but how do I get it all into formalms? Does each file need to be uploaded individually?

5) Where can I find plugins and templates to extend and customise formalms?
Hi gbslearning and welcome on board, let me answer your 5 questions
1) sorry, we still do not have complete tutorials in English, only in Italian (which you can Google-translate)
2) Forma Lms is an open source product, distributed with this licence . I am quoting our file:
This software is released with GPL v2.0 license, please refer to the provided file license.txt for details. The hardcoded "Powered by forma.lms CE" credit must NOT be removed, in respect to the work of the project and community. You are welcome to add your credits to the page footer using the provided configuration option. There is no "licence" to be purchased. If you want to support us and to contribute, please register to our association
3) You already found out
4) you just create a course in the backend; by doing this, you are automatically enrolled as the course admin. Then you go to the course in the front-end area, go to teacher area>learning object management and create or upload your Learning Objects
5) if you are interested in our plugins, I will send you an e-mail with the list. We will be creating a public website with the available plugins, but right now please just ask.
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management[at]
Skype: m_ferrari_it
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Re: Cart and Payment Configuration and a few questions

Post by gbslearning »

Hi Max and thanks for the reply.
I am definitely interested in the plugins so will look out for your email.

I created a course and tried to add a pdf learning object but it never appeared. So I tried to upload a sample scorm file with demo content and this uploaded but returned the message "please wait" and the rest of the page was blank / white.

I tested the scorm file and it worked at

Is there something I need to do regarding permissions on the server for file uploads?

I am using Version 2.0

If I decide to continue with formalms I would be interested in contributing towards the help documentation/user manual but it will be in English

Thanks for any suggestions regarding the learning objects
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Re: Cart and Payment Configuration and a few questions

Post by max »

Hi gbslearning,
if you cannot upload anything, as it appears, it means your permissions are not correctly configured, maybe Forma Lms does not have writing permissions on your server. If you still encounter problems, please open a new thread in the Installation and configuration forum describing your environment and what happens.

If you're interesting in contributing to documentation, I will e-mail you with a link to register as a contributor.
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management[at]
Skype: m_ferrari_it
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