Speak ou share objects with only one student

Anything about what happens on the user and teacher side
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Speak ou share objects with only one student

Post by meld06 »

Is it possible to speak or share informatio with only one student ? I would like to schedule different appointment with every student.
Is it possible to share a ressource to only one student ?
Is it possible duplicate a category with all the courses in it ? Like this, we can duplicate all the courses at the same time ?
Thank you :)
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Re: Speak ou share objects with only one student

Post by max »

1) you can use the chat, or you can use the messages, or you can use the "reservation" module. But it's a bit long to explain you how to do it
2) yes, you can share a LO with only one student
3) no, you can only duplicate one course at a time and you cannot duplicate categories
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management
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Re: Speak ou share objects with only one student

Post by meld06 »

Thank you for your reply :-)
Can you just tell me more info about sharing a LO with only one student ? I would really appreciate. Thank you
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Re: Speak ou share objects with only one student

Post by max »

from Learning Object management there is an icon with the shilouette of "people". Click on it, and flag the users you want to be able to see that LO. The others will not see it.
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management
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Re: Speak ou share objects with only one student

Post by meld06 »

Thank you very much for your help. Can you tell me more about the chat ? Where can I find it and can I install it ?
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Re: Speak ou share objects with only one student

Post by max »

It's a menu item
Go to the menu settings and assign the chat item to your menu
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management
Skype: m_ferrari_it
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