
Backend functionalities: user management, course management, reports, certificates, etc.
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Post by cao »

Formalms is base on the MVC model.
The Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern that separates an application into three main logical components:
the model talk to the db, the view is what you see, and the controller the business logic.
there is usually a language folder where you can make change to the text.
Each of these components are built to handle specific development aspects of an application.
In addition to the above there the admin side and the client.
In Formalms there is a language folder but the change to the text is not reflected in the view.
the cdata is not being parse. how do you change any the text in the application.
the only text that I was able to change was "recupera" into "recover" in the lostpwd module.
I want to change the following text "forma.lms is an open source e-learning platform (LMS and LCMS) used in corporate and higher education markets"
thank you for you help
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Re: mvc

Post by alfa24 »

Your pusher is better than mine.
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Re: mvc

Post by cao »

What does your pusher is better than mine mean?
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Re: mvc

Post by canelli »

there is no need to change anything in the code.
forma.lms is natively multilingual and can serve pages in the user's preferred language. 26 languages are available and others can be added.
Languages are loaded during the installation process from the xml files in the database and provided to the user from the db. After installation, you can load other languages from the "manage language" administration section.
To change the translation, as a super administrator, you need to access the language management (Administration / Settings / Language Management), choose the language you need to edit, click on "Translation Icon", search for text or keyword and translate the text as you like.
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Claudio Anelli
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Change Language keys

Post by max »

Hi Cao,

what you're looking for does not have anything to do with MVC.... Forma has 26 languages, just choose a different language and you are done.
Also, all languages can be customized, you just need to go to administration > language management
The text you are looking for can be found under the "login" module and the "intro_std_txt" translation key.

By the way, you can find what I just wrote on the LMS' home page...
Massimiliano Ferrari
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Re: mvc

Post by cao »

Thank you for the info.
Your solution work, but I wanted to change the text in the code.
I think that I need to Install Symphony and Composer and learn the new framework.
I used to develop modules for Opencart and OpenERP(Odoo).
I am trying to develop a new look and feel for the lms.
To be able to change Image,Text, Button Color, The login Lightbox and so on.
Be able to create a new paragraph in a different location.
I am able to skin and change the look and feel of Litmos lms completely,
Litmos lms is not open source. The same with Skillsoft lms.
I will try my hand with the Symphony framework.
Thank You
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