Help with Storyline courses

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Help with Storyline courses

Post by JustRohu »

Hi there,

I am just trying to upload new courses into Docebo installation and facing few issues with the SCORM created by Storyline.

I imported a PPT into Storyline and added a multiple-choice question, and at last a final "Thank You" slide with an END-button that triggers EXIT COURSE and CLOSE LIGHTBOX.

To use it in Docebo, I then published this as SCORM (both 1.2 and 2004) and tried all the LMS reporting options. The course always uploads successfully without any issue, but when I try to access this course as a student, I get below error messages-
Error-1.png (14.91 KiB) Viewed 4236 times
Error-1-2.png (19.61 KiB) Viewed 4236 times
Error-3.png (14.47 KiB) Viewed 4236 times
And then the course runs fine with all the controls. But, the course status never gets completed despite any LMS reporting option used.

Looking forward to your valuable inputs.

Many thanks in advance.

I tried the same elearning course on Moodle and course was successfully completed without any errors. Moreover the completion status was correctly passed to the LMS. But still wondering about what's wrong with Docebo. Going to try REGISTER_GLOBALS = OFF and post updates here.
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Re: Help with Storyline courses

Post by JustRohu »

Hello Friends,

Still a bit clueless about what's wrong with Docebo. The same course runs perfectly on Moodle and eFront but gives the above errors on Docebo.

I researched about two possible solutions-

1. Enable the safe mode on PHP (as posted in Docebo official community)
2. Turn register_globals OFF (as posted in Docebo official community)

But none worked for me. Unable to find any other solution as of now.

Any help will be highly appreciated.
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Re: Help with Storyline courses

Post by max »

we regularly use Storyline, even with the kind of options you described, without experimenting any of those issues.
Could you please upload your Storyline project (the .story file, not the published output. Of course we just need 1 slide, 1 quiz and the last thank you slide with the triggers) so we can give it a look and test it?
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management[at]
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Re: Help with Storyline courses

Post by JustRohu »

Dear max,

Many thanks for your help. I hereby attach the .story file and would really appreciate if you could provide me more insight on the issues.
Below is the URL for the same (coz this forum does not allow uploading of .story files).

This is my first attempt at storyline which may not be perfect but should be ideal for a basic start.

This was tested in Moodle and eFront, which worked fine. But gives the mentioned errors, when started in Docebo.

Looking forward to your valuable inputs.

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Re: Help with Storyline courses

Post by max »

Hi JustRohu,

everything works fine.
Here are my settings:

- I included html5 output upon publishing
- in tracking and reporting, since there is a test, I set passed/failed
- I published for Scorm 1.2 (didn't try Scorm 2004)
- uploaded to a D4.05 and set as end object marker

here is the modified .story file (I zipped it so I could upload it) and the published output.
(890.94 KiB) Downloaded 319 times
=> .story file (zipped)
published output
(839.15 KiB) Downloaded 333 times
=> published output

Just another important aspect: tested with Google Chrome, not with IE.
If you use IE9 or IE10, you could run in other issues. I'll link to the relevant threads in the next post
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management[at]
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Re: Help with Storyline courses

Post by max »

Here is the thread

It's in Italian, but basically you have to insert this line of text

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE8" />

into templates, standard, layout > lms.php under the <title> line.
Massimiliano Ferrari
Elearnit - Elearning e Knowledge Management[at]
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Re: Help with Storyline courses

Post by JustRohu »

Dear max,

Many thanks for taking a look into this and providing your guidance.
I will test these settings in my Docebo system and will keep your tips handy, while designing future courses.

Your help has been of real value.

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