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SCORM courses not tracking correctly

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2021 10:08 am
by Schalk91
Whenever a course is a certain size (a lot of slides with numerous assessments), it does not track correctly. For example, when a learner gets to a certain place in the course (for example module 5) and they have completed the assessments for each of the previous 4 modules and they exit the course to resume later, it takes them back to a lot earlier in the course (for example to module 2). This means that it doesn't save their progress and they have to redo the assessments they have already done. Is there a reason why the LMS might be causing this?

Re: SCORM courses not tracking correctly

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2021 10:27 am
by max
Hello, welcome on board.

If your scorm is published as a Scorm 1.2, that is the issue. 1.2 has issues with the course bookmark.
Republishing it with Scorm 2004, 4th edition, should solve.