How to: Assignment with file submission and grading

Anything about what happens on the user and teacher side
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How to: Assignment with file submission and grading

Post by forrestad »

Hello. I'm new to Forma LMS and evaluating it to see if it will fit my organization's needs. I am impressed by the work done by the developers in many areas. I am also unsure how to do a few things in the Forma LMS. I'll break them into individual "how to" question posts. I only have access to Forma version 2.3 at this time. But, please if features have been added to version 2.4.2, please feel free to describe how the functional requirement can be met by the software.

How can I create an "Assignment" type learning object within the table of "Course documents" (student area) and "Learning Object Management" (teacher area)? Can the assignment learning object be marked complete either upon submission or upon receipt of a high enough score?

For example, the instructor would give an assignment that says "Write a one-page reflection paper and submit it for assessment." The student would upload the written assignment (PDF, DOCX, etc. format file) to the assignment learning object page. The teacher would download the submitted assignments and then enter a score/grade per student into the grade book.
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Re: How to: Assignment with file submission and grading

Post by Edgewater »

I also have this same question
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Re: How to: Assignment with file submission and grading

Post by alfa24 »

You may use the file upload question type in a test learning object type.
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