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mysqli configuration

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 2:34 pm
by magos
I installed FormaLMS 1.4.2 on my localhost in a development environment using Xampp which is running PHP7.0.6 and MariaDB 10.1.13 and I get error due to a mysql_connect call which tells me the functions are deprecated. I then headed over to the config.php file and told FormaLMS to use the mysqli driver instead scene as though PDO was not an option and I got errors stating that calls are being made to mysql_escape_string. I thought I might as well start a little debug process and see what happens so I converted mysql_escape_string to mysqli_real_escape_string and just get a blank screen with no errors even after checking the Apache Error Log. I have undone all my changes but I am thinking there must surely be an easier way to install FormaLMS and configure it to use mysqli? Any ideas or suggestions would be really helpful. Thank you in advance.

Re: mysqli configuration

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 6:09 pm
by max
welcome to the community.

Have you checked Forma Lms requirements, before installing? Forma still does not support php 7.

Re: mysqli configuration

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 6:12 pm
by canelli
In PHP 7.xx standard sql driver has been deprecated . the suggestion coming from PHP team is use mysqli or PDO driver
unfortunally forma.lms is not ready to use mysqli nor PDO driver, due to the fact that not always it use a centralized driver to call DB

So the best way is to disable DEPRECATED warning in PHP configuration file ( php.ini ).

we are working to enable forma.lms use mysqli or PDO driver. This will be available in the forma.lms 2.0 release

Please note also that PHP 7.x is not supported by forma.lms . IF you can switch to a 5.x version

Re: mysqli configuration

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 8:38 am
by magos
Thank you so much for the advice I will downgrade my PHP version to start with so hopefully that will help. I am very eager to get into Forma LMS.