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Whcich web server should I use for the forma files?

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 2:05 pm
by vahharris
My wamp server is not showing the forma files I downloaded. How can I see them? What web server should I be using?

Thanks. Javar

Re: Whcich web server should I use for the forma files?

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:57 pm
by max
Hi Javar,

welcome to the community. I copy & paste from Forma "readme.txt" file


Server specs: Linux, Windows, MacOs, Unix, Sun with
- Apache 2.0.x or above
- PHP 5.2.x or 5.3.x 5.4.x ( 5.5.x and 5.6.x in beta status)
- Mysql 5.0 or higher with transaction support
- Doesn't matter if safe mode or register global are on or off
- If you need to test on your windows home pc we suggest easyphp, wamp or xampp


- Be sure you have your database parameters (host, user, password, dbname) available
- Be sure you have your ftp parameters (host, user, password), if you want use FTP upload

- Before install, create the database on your dbserver (you can use a db admin tool as phpmyadmin)
- If you are on your home pc with your easyphp/wamp/xampp create a database through
http://localhost/mysql/ or http://localhost/phpmyadmin/
- Upload all the files in your root directory or a subfolder
- Launch
- Follow installation instructions

At the end step of install procedure, the system will load XML file languages,
Depending on number of languagse chosen, this operation can take some time in order to complete