I have contacted the server administrator to share that my php_fileinfo.dll is missing when I searched for it.
I feel you License.txt document expresses greatness of being.
I am honored and grateful to have continued searching till I found your software for volunteer website work I do with a group of Oncology Massage Education Associates.
Thank you for your kind and heart felt words of welcome.
Do your know of an economical web server company that I can host your software on?
I finally learned this from my host today...
Unfortunately, FileInfo PHP Module or php_fileinfo.dll is not supported on our shared hosting servers. FileInfo uses too much memory / resources which is not suitable for Shared Hosting environment. If you require FileInfo PHP Module, you may want to consider upgrading your account to a VPS or Dedicated Hosting Plan as these have more choices for services that can be installed. You can find more information on these plans below:
We did not install FileInfo PHP Module as this cause the server unstable if an account uses this PHP module. Please note that your account is hosted on a server with few other accounts and resources (CPU & MEMORY) must share in a fair way.
You're welcome, I still didn't have the chance to answer you.
However, in short: Forma Lms requirements can be found in the readme.txt file http://formalms.org/versions/readme.txt
With that info, you can ask any hosting provider to tell you if they have a suitable offer for you, one that also allows you to control some very basic settings such as the one of your original question. If they don't ... switch to a new supplier!