Blank Page after login

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Re: Blank Page after login

Post by max »


although I am not a developer nor an IT guy myself, from what you describe it seems there is something wrong with your DB and maybe with your hosting service.

Actually I suppose you don't really need a VPS or a dedicated server, a shared plan should be enough.
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Re: Blank Page after login

Post by alberto »

nfoster971 wrote: The tech's response would be that, for their service, I would need access to root which I would not have under a shared plan.
not true, moodle needs root acces, for Forma the web root is enough

nfoster971 wrote:I need something that will take the program and then grow with me. Idk that that is going to happen without it showing back up on an autoinstaller.

Has anyone else used a clean install (not an upgrade from a previous version) without an autoinstaller on any shared plan?
Why don't you use the autoinstaller?
Anyway, any real hosting provider with the basic requirements should be fine for a startup project
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Re: Blank Page after login

Post by canelli »

Hi nfoster971
I checked your installation
I tried to login with the admin user and I got the blank page.
Then I tried to use the direct link to the admin dashboard :
and I see forma.lms up and running.
I can run into some menu and configuration pages , create course, create users and so on, but I still have the blank page if I click on the learning link (Jump to: LMS)

I can see that your server use php 5.2.1 it's a very old version of php, I suppose that the blank page is related to this
forma.lms does not support this version of php , can you try with a more recent version of PHP ?
the minimum PHP version supported in forma.lms 1.4.x is 5.3.x .
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Re: Blank Page after login

Post by nfoster971 »

Thanks! I'm sorry it has taken this long to see your posts. I have the thread bookmarked, and it usually updates when there is a new post, but it didn't.

As for, I had given up on getting it to work there and they said exactly what I thought they would say when they replied to my ticket "Upgrade and we will help you get your script up and running." I just figure that if I can't get the basics to work on the free package, why waste money to figure out it probably isn't going to work on their paid one.

I just recently found Forma on the Fantastico F3 autoinstaller, but it has been removed from Mojo, which is where I initially found out about this program and used the demo. I am just not seeing many places that use Fantastico, even from the ones Fantastico report as partners.

I found a file on my computer that suggested that I signed up for a free account at and decided to chase that rabbit. To my shock and awe, I was able to get it to install (except for social media logins) correctly and it actually allowed me to log in without the blank page. I was using a different domain name (another freeby) because I don't want to keep bouncing the paid one around on things that don't work. After proof that it did work, I set up this one this morning.

I am having a difficult time finding actual reviews for the despite the domain being registered for 12 years. So, I don't know about paying them to host, but I am learning more by the hour and it is definitely good to know that other shared hosting should work.

I am sure that I will have many, many more questions to come, but I would sincerely like to thank everyone who is helping out here. Hopefully, this blank page journey will help the next person... :)
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Re: Blank Page after login

Post by canelli »

very good news !!
For any other question you have, please open specific thread

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Claudio Anelli
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Re: Blank Page after login

Post by ife.adejumo »


I have a clean install of 1.4.1 on my BlueHost shared hosting plan. I have a blank page immediately after login as well and i don't know how to fix this. I've been able to get it running with phpmyadmin and a local server but it just won't work with my online server. Has anyone been able to fix this?

It's at
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