how to configure mail setting

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how to configure mail setting

Post by biplob.bose »


I am not able to send the mail to any user, from the admin section.

Can you please help me, where to set the mail configuration .i.e smtp server name, port etc.

And one more thing, for 'Classroom' coaching, I think, the user will also be notified by email. Please correct me, if I am wrong.


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Re: how to configure mail setting

Post by max »

Hi Biplob,

- in the LMS, you have to configure the e-mail sender for the e-mails sent by the platform
- and the e-mail recipient for the helpdesk requests

You find these settings always under Administration>main>configuration>etc...

If the LMS just doesn't send e-mails, then it's your server that needs to be properly configured. I don't know if it's a WIN or Linux server.
Please use the "search" button on this forum to look for threads where this kind of topics are handled, for example "e-mail setting", or "SMTP" or "phpmailer", or google how to configure a server to allow an application to send e-mail.

All notifications are handled through administration>main>configuration>event manager. Please refer to that to know what events can be configured as "used" and what are not in use.
Massimiliano Ferrari
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Re: how to configure mail setting

Post by canelli »

Hi biblop
you can configure smtp server and related paramenter for forma. in the configuration.php file

you must fill in the foloowing paramters :

Code: Select all

 * External smtp config
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
$cfg['use_smtp'] = 'off';
$cfg['smtp_host'] ='';				// Options: hostname;hostname:port;...
//$cfg['smtp_port'] ='';			// Options: '' (default port) , port number
//$cfg['smtp_secure'] = '';			// Options: "", "ssl", "tls"
$cfg['smtp_user'] ='';
$cfg['smtp_pwd'] ='';


Code: Select all

$cfg['use_smtp'] = 'off';
forma use the general server configuration of php
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Re: how to configure mail setting

Post by biplob.bose »

Hi anellic,

Thanks for your reply. I have configured this via config.php but stiil, the email function is not working.

Can you please tell me, where is the log file is situated, so that I can check the log file and debug it.


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Re: how to configure mail setting

Post by canelli »

hi biplob
there are no log fil to track email send process
If in forma you don't see any popup error , the email was accepted by the smtp server.

Check the smtp server log file and the spam folder of the receiver
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Claudio Anelli
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Re: how to configure mail setting

Post by ausrob »

HI biblob,

did you resolve this?
If so how please.

regards ausrob
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Re: how to configure mail setting

Post by m.gnanendra »

Even I'm unable to send emails. Configured from email id and edited config.php in root directory as below:

$cfg['use_smtp'] = 'on';
$cfg['smtp_host'] ='10.x.x.x'; // Options: hostname;hostname:port;...
$cfg['smtp_port'] ='25'; // Options: '' (default port) , port number
//$cfg['smtp_secure'] = ''; // Options: "", "ssl", "tls"
$cfg['smtp_user'] ='';
$cfg['smtp_pwd'] ='';

But the emails are not triggered.
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Re: how to configure mail setting

Post by canelli »

  • Have you put the correct IP ?
    $cfg['smtp_host'] ='10.x.x.x'; // Options: hostname;hostname:port;...
  • Are you able to ping the smtp server ?
  • The port 25 on smtp server is opened ?
  • The server can connect to the port 25 of the smtp server ?
  • You did not specify any user / pwd in your config.php
    $cfg['smtp_user'] ='';
    $cfg['smtp_pwd'] ='';
    the smtp accept mail from not authenticated user?
  • Check the smtp log on mail server
  • Check receiver spam folder
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Claudio Anelli
Joint Technologies - Sistemi avanzati per l'information technology
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